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2011-10-19 -- 2011-10-21


PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC COMPOSING: National Romanticism and Contemporary Music


19–21 October 2011, Vilnius





October 19

Lithuanian Composers’ Union House (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)


9.40 Registration

10.00 Welcome

SESSION 1: The paradigm of Romantic composing; collisions of Romanticism and Modernism in the works by M.K. Čiurlionis

10.30 Rimantas Astrauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre). The World Music Paradigm in the Creative Works of the Lithuanian Composers

11.00 Francisco Monteiro (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal). Portuguese Music in the Last 100 Years: Searching for an Identity

11.30 Rima Povilionienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre). Fugue in B flat Minor by Čiurlionis: Structural and Semantic Analysis

12.00–12.30 Coffee Break

12.30 Mantautas Krukauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre). Interdisciplinary Links in M. K. Čiurlionis Music, Paintings and Texts

13.00 Tatyana Voloshina (National Academy of Music, Ukraine). ‘Marinistika’ (Sea Imagery Reflection) as a Phenomenon of Composer’s Synthetic Thinking in the Works of M. K. Čiurlionis

13.30 Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre). Musical Archetypes in M. K. Čiurlionis‘ Cycles


Lithuanian Composers’ Union House (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)


16.00–17.00 Harri Wessman (Finland)

17.15–18.15 Francis Heery (Ireland)



October 20

Lithuanian Composers’ Union House (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)

SESSION 2: The authentic national romantic music composing in geographical and chronological dimensions

10.00 Inga Jankauskienė (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute). The Idea of United Europe in Music: Polonaise and Chorale

10.30 Markos Lekkas (Ionian University, Greece). Towards a Vernacular Sonata?

11.00 Achilleas Chaldaeakes (University of Athens, Greece). “…old wine into new bottles…”: The Continuity of the Tradition in the Contemporary Composition Practice of Byzantine Music

11.30–12.00 Coffee Break

12.00 Kalliopi Stiga (College of Kea, Cyclades, Greece), Evangelia Kopsalidou (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece). ‘Thanatos as Muse’: from German National Romanticism

to Greek Contemporary Music

12.30 Anton Rovner (Moscow Conservatory, Russia). The Aesthetics of Russian Symbolism as Demonstrated in Sergei Protopopoff’s Vocal Cycles “Youth” and “Poem of Love”

13.00 Sanna Iitti (Finland). The Meaning and Manifestation of Un-Conceptualizable Drives in Franz Liszt’s Loreley

CONCERT: Unidentified Piano Cycles of M. K. Čiurlionis

19.00 PIANO.LT Concert Hall (Trakų g. 9 / Kėdainių g. 1)


With the participation of: Petras Geniušas, Rimantas Janeliauskas, Sergejus Okruško, Halina Radvilaitė, Jurgis Karnavičius, Rokas Zubovas



October 21

Lithuanian Composers’ Union House (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)

SESSION 3: The continuity and challenges of romantic tradition in modern composition practice

10.00 Inesa Dvuzhylnaya (Grodno State University, Belarus). The Works of Lev Abeliovich (1912, Vilno–1985 Minsk) in the History of Musical Culture of Belarus: Reflecting on

National Self-Identification

10.30 Margarita Katunyan (Moscow Conservatory, Russia). Schumann’s Impressions in the 20th-Century Music: The New Commentary as a Form of Cultural Self-Identification

11.00 Peter Purin (Oklahoma Baptist University, USA). A Waltz in Four?: The Manipulation of Accompaniment Schemata in the Identification of Stephen Sondheim’s Musical Style

11.30–12.00 Coffee Break

12.00 Svetlana Barkauskas (Lithuania). The Human and the World in the Seventh Symphony of Vytautas Barkauskas

12.30 Igor Vorobyev (St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia). “The Wartime Letters” by Valery Gavrilin: a Dialogue with the Romantic Tradition

13.00 Jānis Kudiņš (Latvian Academy of Music). The Tendency of Neo-Romanticism in the Symphonic Music of Latvian Composers in the Early 21st Century. Several Aspects of the Local Stylistic Traditions in the Symphonic Works by Pēteris Vasks, Juris Karlsons and Arturs Maskats


13.30 Discussions. Closing of the Conference



Vangelis Karafillidis (State Music High School, Komotini, Greece). Nicolas Astrinidis (1921–2010): Compositional Languages in his ‘Deux Pičces en Style Grec’ for Violin and Piano

Luminita Gutanu (“Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest, Romania). The Amalgamation of Greek Folk Music with Western Musical Tradition in Vangelis Karafillidis’ “Variations on a Greek Island Dance” and “Micrographies” Nos. 3 & 4

Pavel Puşcaş (Music Academy “Gheorghe Dima” - Cluj Napoca, Romania). The German Romanticism – Philosophical Background



The main language of the conference is English.

Abstracts and papers of the conference will be published.

For more information about the conference contact:

Marius Baranauskas, coordinator

Lithuanian Composers’ Union

A. Mickeviciaus g. 29, LT-08117 Vilnius, Lithuania



Lithuanian Composers' Union

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre



Research Council of Lithuania

Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation

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