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2012-11-08 -- 2012-11-10

2nd International Conference MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGIES

Kaunas University of Technology

8–10 November 2012, Kaunas


Welcome to the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGIES which will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, 8-10 November 2012. We hope that this conference will extend the ideas and geography of the participants in the interdisciplinary music community such as CIM (Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology) or ISMIR (International Society for Music Information Retrieval) and also enlarge discussions in the field of music technologies.


Keynote speakers of MT-2012 are: Emilios Cambouropoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), David Temperley (Rochester University, USA), Gregor Widholm (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Vienna, Austria).


We welcome researchers and practitioners from the humanities (music analysis, art, composition, cultural studies, education, ethnomusicology, gender studies, history, linguistics, literature, media, performance, philosophy, prehistory, music theory), sciences (acoustics, biology, empirical psychology and sociology, mathematics, medicine, perception, physiology, psychoacoustics, statistics), musical data (creation, modelling, processing, searching), and especially from music technologies (broadcasting, hardware, producing, recording, software).


The main themes of the conference cover the general aspects of music as an object for the interdisciplinary research and include music composition, performance, analysis, perception and cognition. The interdisciplinary combination of humanities and sciences and/or musical data and/or music technologies should be the focus of your presentation.


It is possible to participate as an active or passive participant. Participants are invited to deliver a 20 minutes talk (plus 10 minutes for discussion), a poster presentation, or a demonstration of software/hardware. Passive participants (making no presentations) are allowed to join the entire conference programme, i.e., the same as active participants.


Abstracts will be published in the conference booklet. Full text papers will also be published in the separate conference proceedings.


A special workshop for students will be organized on 8 November. The number of places for students is limited to 15. Priority will be given on a 'first come first served' basis.


The language of a conference is English.


Website of the conference:


Conference is organised by:

Darius Kučinskas, Ph. D.

Professor, Department of Audiovisual Arts Technologies, Kaunas University of Technology

Rytis Ambrazevičius, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Audiovisual Arts Technologies, Kaunas University of Technology;

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre


Participation fee: EUR 70.


Contact e-mail:






Thursday, 8 November


Conference Hall of Hotel ParkInn (K.Donelaičio str. 27)


9:00–9:45 Registration of participants

9:45–10:00 Opening of the conference

10:00–11:00 1st keynote: Emilios Cambouropoulos (Thessaloniki, Greece), On Musical Pattern Discovery

11:00–11:30 Coffee break

11:30–13:00 Presentation of papers

13:00–14:30 Lunch


Kaunas University of Technology; auditorium No. 202 (Gedimino str. 43)


15:00–17:30 Students’ workshop


Kaunas Philharmonic (L. Sapiegos str. 5)


18:00 Concert of contemporary music



Friday, 9 November


Conference Hall of Hotel ParkInn (K.Donelaičio str. 27)


10:00–11:00 2nd keynote: David Temperley (Rochester, USA), Statistical analysis of harmony and melody in rock music

11:00–11:30 Coffee break

11:30–13:00 Presentation of papers

13:00–14:30 Lunch

14:30–16:00 Presentation of papers

16:00-16:30 coffee break


Kaunas Philharmonic (L. Sapiegos str. 5)


18:00 Concert of contemporary music



Saturday, 10 November


Conference Hall of Hotel ParkInn (K.Donelaičio str. 27)


10:00–11:00 3rd keynote: Gregor Widholm (Vienna, Austria), Art Technology, Music Acoustics and Performance Science

11:00–11:30 Coffee break

11:30–13:00 Presentation of papers

13:00–14:30 Lunch

14:30–16:00 Presentation of papers

16:00–16:30 Coffee break

19:00 Farewell reception

© Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre, A. Mickevičiaus 29, 08117 Vilnius, ph: +370 5 272 69 86. E-mail your questions / comments to
All texts, photographs, logos, music and artwork are protected by copyright laws. They are free for promotional use but when referring to the materials please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre (LMIPC).