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2012-10-16 -- 2012-10-19

12th International Music Theory Conference PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC COMPOSING


Links between Music and Visual Arts


16–19 October 2012, Vilnius



Conference's website:





Tuesday 16 October


Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre,
Main Building, Juozas Karosas Hall (Gedimino ave. 42)


10.00–14.00 Masterclass for composition students

Tutored by Adam MELVIN, Mārtiņš VIĻUMS


16.00–19.00 Composers‘ session


16.00 Adam MELVIN (University of Ulster, Magee College, Northern Ireland), Light Music: Crossdisciplinary Approaches to Mixed Media Composition in Fulgurite Chamber (2012)


17.00 Mārtiņš VIĻUMS (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Microsonority as Articulation of Color and Space in Mārtiņš Viļums' The Sense of the Past for string orchestra


18.00 Dimitris BATSIS (University of Ioannina, Greece), Anastasia GEORGAKI (University of Athens, Greece) & Panagiotis TIGKAS (University of Bristol, UK), Cardiac Biomusic



Wednesday 17 October


Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union (A. Mickevičiaus str. 29)


9.00 Registration of participants


9.30 Opening of the conference


Session 1: General assumptions concerning the links between sound and image. The phenomenon of M. K. Čiurlionis


Moderator Rimantas JANELIAUSKAS


10.00 Anna SHVETS (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland), Contemporary Music and Visual Arts in the Light of Postmodern Philosophy


10.30 Markos LEKKAS (Ionian University, Greece), Optical and Acoustical Gestalt, Illusioning the Brain


11.00 Gražina DAUNORAVIČIENĖ (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), A Sketch of Art Nouveau Signs in M. K. Čiurlionis’ Music


11.30 Mantautas KRUKAUSKAS (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Lithuanian Memes in M. K. Čiurlionis Music, Paintings and Texts


12.00–12.30 Coffee break



Session 2: Visualisation of musical means of composing


Moderator Rimantas ASTRAUSKAS


12.30 Bianca ŢIPLEA TEMEŞ (Gh. Dima Music Academy, Cluj, Romania), The Image Behind the Music: Visual Elements in Ligeti´s Oeuvre


13.00 Achilleas CHALDAEAKES, Anastasia GEORGAKI (University of Athens, Greece), Visual Aspects of Byzantine Music Modes: Exploring the “Ethos” of Byzantine Melopoeia through Acoustic Analysis


13.30 Ewa KOWALSKA-ZAJĄC (Academy of Music, Łódź, Poland), The Genre of Music Graphics in The Output of Polish Composers in the Second Half of the 20th Century



16.00 Presentation of ideas for composing music


Igor VOROBYOV, Anna SHVETS, and Marius BARANAUSKAS present and comment on their own music




Thursday 18 October


Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union (A. Mickevičiaus str. 29)


Session 3: Muscial pictures and visual music




10.00 Eka CHABASHVILI (Tbilisi State Conservatory, Georgia), Music Inside Pictures and the Process of the Visualization of Music by the Multi-topophonic Composition Technique


10.30  Inesa DVUZHYLNAYA (Grodno State University, Belarus), Musicality of Paintings by Gregory Fried


11.00 Steven ELISHA (Georgia Southern University, USA), Inspiration and Connection: Solomon Valley Inspires Landscape Paintings, a Solo Cello Suite, Haiku Poetry and 24 Kansas Communities


11.30–12.00 Coffee break


Moderator Ramūnas MOTIEKAITIS


12.00 Laima VILIMIENĖ (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Musical Painting and Painterly Music in the Art of A. Schoenberg and W. Kandinsky


12.30 Blake PARHAM (University of Adelaide, Australia), Andrzej Panufnik and Andre Dzierzynski: Art, Music and Poland


13.00 Irena FRIEDLAND (Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Izrael), Ut Pictura Musica: Interactions between Stravinsky Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments and Analytic Cubism in Visual Arts

 Concert Hall (Trakų str. 9 / Kėdainių str. 1)


19.00  Concert: Unidentified piano cycles by M. K. Čiurlionis


Presented by musicologist Prof. Darius KUČINSKAS


Performed by pianists Petras GENIUŠAS, Rimantas JANELIAUSKAS, Sergejus OKRUŠKO, Halina RADVILAITĖ, Jurgis KARNAVIČIUS, Aleksandra ŽVIRBLYTĖ



Friday 19 October


Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union (A. Mickevičiaus str. 29)


Session 4: Links between sound and image in diverse arts


Moderator Mantautas KRUKAUSKAS


10.00 Antanas KUČINSKAS (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Interaction between Music and Image in Film: Presumptions and Typology


10.30 Marina LUPISHKO (France), Music and Architecture: Engaging into a Dialogue?


11.00 Inga JANKAUSKIENĖ (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute), Sounding Picturesque City


11.30–12.00 Coffee break


Moderator Antanas KUČINSKAS


12.00 Ljudmila KAZANTSEVA (Astrakhan Conservatory, Volgograd Institute of Art and Culture, Russia), The Musical Portrait


12.30 Lina NAVICKAITĖ-MARTINELLI (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, University of Helsinki), Composing Identities: Visual Representations of Music Performers


13.00 Marta SZOKA (Academy of Music, Łódź, Poland), Visual Aspects of the Music Performance


13.30 Final discussion. Closing of the conference





Larisa ELISHA (Georgia Southern University, USA), Giants of French Impressionism in Music and Visual Art


Stela GUŢANU (Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania), Only One Tree and So Many Birds by G. Balint – a Musical Representation of The Tescani Park by Horia Bernea


Kalliopi STIGA (College of Kea, Cyclades, Greece), Words, Pictures, Sounds: ‘Greekness’ expressed by Odysseus Elytis, Yannis Ritsos and Mikis Theodorakis


Margarita KATUNYAN (Moscow Conservatory, Russia), The Concert Paradigm in the 16th and 17th Centuries: Sound and the Audiovisual Conception of Space


Igor VOROBYOV (St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia), Derivative Replication in the Soviet Art of the 1930–1950s (with the Example of Friedrich Ermler’s Film She is Defending the Motherland and Gavriil Popov’s Second Symphony The Motherland)


Madalina HOTORAN (Emanuel University of Oradea, Romania), Music and Paintings in Eduard Terényi’s Creation


Rimantas JANELIAUSKAS (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Realization of Lithuanian Sound and Visual Archetypes in M. K. Čiurlionis‘ Compositions


Organisers of the conference:

Lithuanian Composers' Union

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre



Marius Baranauskas, Coordinator of the conference


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