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2013-10-18 -- 2013-10-26

GAIDA 2013

23rd International Contemporary Music Festival


18–26 October, 6 November 2013








About the festival in brief:


  • One of this year’s leading themes – musical theatre, action, narrative;
  • Focus Composer: Mauricio Kagel (1931–2008), one of the most original 20th and 21st century artists, who have shaped the trend of instrumental theatre;
  • other highlights of the festival's programme include:
    internationally acclaimed percussion virtuosi and their exceptional programmes;
    appearances of the multimedia and electronic music luminaries;
    standard and extended vocal performance, staggering possibilities of a human voice;
    world premieres of new works commissioned by the festival.
  • greatest European performers, ensembles and soloists; best Lithuanian musicians and orchestras.





Friday 18 October


7 pm, Vilnius Congress Concert Hall (Vilniaus g. 6/16)



Beibei WANG, percussion (China / UK)
Daumantas KIRILAUSKAS, piano (Lithuania)
Conductor Mārtiņš OZOLIŅŠ (Latvia)


Mauricio KAGEL (1931–2008) – Étude III for large orchestra (1996)

Tomas KUTAVIČIUS (b. 1964) – Teia mania for piano and orchestra (2013, world premiere)

Žibuoklė MARTINAITYTĖ (b. 1973) – Horizons for symphony orchestra (2013, world premiere)

Tan DUN (b. 1957) – Paper Concerto (2003)


Tickets: 15–60 Lt



10 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)



univrs (uniscope version)



Find out more about Alva Noto's most recent release univrs uniscope (2011) on Raster-Noton>>


Tickets: 40–100 Lt



Saturday 19 October


7 pm, Arts Printing House, Black Hall (Šiltadaržio g. 6)


Wanderer, post-scriptum

To mark the bicentenary of Richard Wagner

Musical theatre performance after the music by Wolfgang Rihm, Gérard Pesson, Richard Wagner, Hanns Eisler, György Ligeti, „The Doors“


Presented by the musical theatre company T&M (Paris, France).


Ivan Ludlow, baritone

Kalina Georgieva, piano

Director Antoine Gindt

Video Tomek Jarolim

Artistic collaboration Élodie Brémaud

Costumes Fanny Brouste


Wanderer, post-scriptum (teaser) from David Daurier on Vimeo.


Tickets: 30–60 Lt



Sunday 20 October


7 pm  Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)


KROUMATA Percussion Group (Sweden):

Johan Silvmark

Ulrik Nilsson

Pontus Langendorf

Roger Bergström


Hanna HARTMAN (b. 1961) – Shadowbox (2011)

Thierry DE MEY (b. 1956) – Table Music (Musique de tables, 1987)

Lisa STREICH (b. 1985) – Naujas kūrinys (2013, world premiere)

Rolf WALLIN (b. 1957) – Scratch (1991)

Arne MELLNÄS (1933–2002) – Fragile (1973)

Lukas LIGETI (b. 1965) – Pattern Transformation (1988)


Tickets: 40–80 Lt



Monday 21 October


7 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)


El Cimarrón Ensemble (Germany / Austria / Italy/ Switzerland):

Ran Seo-Katanic, soprano

Robert Koller, baritone

David Gruber, flute

Khac-Uyen Nguyen, violin

Christina Schorn, guitar

Ivan Mancinelli, percussion

Michael Kerstan, stage management


Mauricio KAGEL (1931–2008) – Dressur (1977) for percussion trio

Rita MAČILIŪNAITĖ (b. 1985) – Feedbacks of Poetry for baritone, alto flute, percussion and electronics, text by Jonas Mekas (2013, world première)

Hans Werner HENZE (1926–2012) – El Cimarrón (Biography of the runaway slave Esteban Montejo, 1969–1970), recital for four musicians – baritone, guitar, flute and percussion
     1. Die Welt (The World)
     2. Der Cimarrón
     3. Die Sklaverei (Slavery)
     4. Die Flucht (Flight)
     5. Der Wald (The Forest)
     6. Die Geister (The Spirits)
     7. Die falsche Freiheit (False Freedom)
     8. Die Frauen (Women)
     9. Die Maschinen (The Machines)
    10. Die Pfarrer (The Clergy)
    11. Der Aufstand (The Uprising)
    12. Die Schlacht von Mal Tiempo (The Battle of Mal Tiempo)
    13. Der schlechte Sieg (The Evil Victory)
    14. Die Freundlichkeit (Friendliness)
    15. Das Messer (The Knife)

Tickets: 30–60 Lt



Tuesday 22 October


7 pm, Arts Printing House, Black Hall (Šiltadaržio g. 6)


Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord (France)


MAURICIO KAGEL (1931–2008)



Directors: Jos Houben, Françoise Rivalland, Emily Wilson

Actors and performers: Fiamma Bennet, Lucas Genas, Bernie Collins, Maxime Nourissat, Françoise Rivallan

Construction of musical accessories Georges Jaillet

Lighting designer Eric Proust

Costumes Eve Ragon


Tickets: 30–60 Lt



Thursday 24 October


7 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)


The Hilliard Ensemble (UK):

David James, countertenor

Rogers Covey-Crump, tenor

Steven Harrold, tenor

Gordon Jones, baritone


Walter FRYE (15th c.) – Ave Regina
(1465–1523) – Ave Maria
Jonathan WILD
(b. 1969) – Two pieces from The Cloud of Unknowing
(b. 1935) – And one of the Pharisees (1992) 
SHERYNGHAM (15th c.) – Ah! Gentle Jesu
(b. 1935)  – Psalm 131 (Kindliche Ergebung) (1984/1997)
John PLUMMER (c. 1410–c. 1483) – Tota pulchra es, Anna Mater
(b. 1966) – Lord who made the spring run
(b. 1935) – Most Holy Mother of God (2003)

Rytis MAŽULIS (b. 1961) – Septem Sermones (2013, world premiere)


Tickets: 40–100 Lt



Friday 25 October


7 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)


Slagwerk Den Haag (The Netherlands):

Fedor Teunisse

Niels Meliefste

Jose 'Pepe' Garcia

Frank Wienk

Joey Marijs

Juan Martinez


Michael GORDON (b. 1956) – Timber (2011)


Michael Gordon's Timber from Red Poppy Music on Vimeo.


Find out more about Michael Gordon's Timber>>


Tickets: 40–80 Lt



Saturday 26 October


7 pm, Lithuanian National Philharmonic Hall (Aušros Vartų g. 5)



Miriam MEGHNAGI, performer of Sephardic hymns (Libya / Israel / Italy)

Ken UENO, overtone singing (USA)

Lauryna BENDŽIŪNAITĖ, soprano

Darius MEŠKAUSKAS, actor

Conductor Modestas PITRĖNAS


Mauricio KAGEL – Broken Chords for orchestra (2002)

Anatolijus ŠENDEROVAS (b. 1945) – Ya lali for Sephardic singer and two orcehstras (2013, world premiere)

Loreta NARVILAITĖ (b. 1965) – City Labyrinth for soprano, reciter and orchestra (2013, world premiere)

Ken UENO (b. 1970)  – On a Sufficient Condition for the Existence of Most Specific Hypothesis, Concerto for overtone singer and orchestra (2008)


Tickets: 20–40 Lt

Tickets for this concert are distributed by Bilietai LT.



10 pm– 3 am, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)




PLAID | live show (WARP Records)

LEON SOMOV vs. FEW NOLDER live | VIDIS (Silence Family)

MANFREDAS (Les Disques de la Mort)


Tickets: 44–104 Lt

Buy tickets at Bilietų pasaulis>>



Gaida Post Scriptum


Wednesday 6 November


7 pm, Contemporary Art Centre, Great Hall (Vokiečių g. 2)


Lost Time


Musical theatre performance after Marcel Proust's Á la recherche du temps perdu, also fragments from Bret Easton Ellis' novels Less Than Zero and American Psycho, and T. S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land


Director Oskaras Koršunovas

Music by the team of Lithuanian composers CODA NOVA

Librettist Gabija Grušaitė

Performers: Asmik Grigorian, Alina Orlova, Viktor Gerasimov, instrumental ensemble, elektronics, video


Tickets: 40–100 Lt



Tickets for all festival events are available at Bilietų pasaulis.

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