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2013-10-16 -- 2013-10-18


13th International Music Theory Conference

16–18 October 2013


Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre


Conference's website:






Wednesday 16 October


Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union, Mickevičiaus str. 29


9.30 Registration of participants

9.45 Opening of the conference


FIRST SESSION: Theoretical Aspects of Musical Rhythm
Moderator  Antanas Kučinskas


10.00 Lecture–presentation: Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania). Theory and Practice of the Rhythm Archetypes in the Analysis of Lithuanian Ethnomusic and Compositions by M. K. Čiurlionis and the 20th-century Composers


11.00 Justyna Humięcka-Jakubowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland). Theoretical Conception of Rhythmic Organization and its Practical Manifestation. Some Examples of 20th-century Avant-garde Composers


11.30 Damien Veron (University of Montreal, Canada / University of Saint-Etienne, France). "Rhythm inside, rhythm around …": Considering Rhythm as a Fundamental Concept for Improving the Anthropological Analysis of the Question of "musical taste"


12.00–12.30 Coffee break


12.30 Svetlana Chashchina (Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia). Theory of Intonation of Rhythm: The Ways of Development


13.00 Markos Lekkas (Ionian University, Greece). Running in and out of Time


13.30 Pauxy-Gentil Nunes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). Partitional Analysis and Rhythmic Partitioning: Mediations between Rhythm and Texture

PIANO LT concert hall, Trakų st. 9 / Kėdainių st. 1


19.00  CONCERT: Premieres of works by Prof. Rimantas Janeliauskas, students and graduates of his composition class
Programme: Pieces of Amber by Rimantas Janeliauskas (premiere); new works by Aistė Vaitkevičiūtė, Artūras Mikoliūnas, Jonas Jurkūnas, Mykolas Natalevičius, Ramūnas Motiekaitis, Raimundas Martinkėnas, Mārtiņš Viļums



Thursday 17 October

Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union, Mickevičiaus str. 29


SECOND SESSION: Rhythm in Comtemporary Music

Moderator  Mantautas Krukauskas


10.00 Katarzyna Bartos (Karol Lipiński Music Academy, Wrocław, Poland). The Two Extremes – Chosen Aspects of Rhythm in Grażyna Bacewicz's and Witold Lutosławski's Music


10.30 Mārtiņš Viļums (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania). Energy and Condition as Forms of Musical Timespace Articulation in Giacinto Scelsi's String Quartet No. 4


11.00 Francisco Monteiro (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal). Jorge Peixinho: Rhythm as Freedom


11.30–12.00   Coffee break


12.00 Cibele Palopoli (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Comparative Rhythmic Study between Editions of Sequenza I for Solo Flute by Luciano Berio


12.30 Miguel Alvarez-Fernandez (University of Oviedo, Spain). Technological Impulses: Expanding the Experience and Definition of Rhythm across the 20th Century through the Use of Electroacoustic Media


13.00 Mykolas Natalevičius (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania). Time Aspects of Drone Music



PIANO.LT Concert Hall, Trakų str. 9 / Kėdainių str. 1


19.00 CONCERT: Unidentified piano cycles by M. K. Čiurlionis

Presented by musicologist prof. D. Kučinskas


Performed by:
Rimantas Janeliauskas, piano
Halina Radvilaitė, piano
Aleksandra Žvirblytė, piano



Friday 18 October


Headquarters of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union, Mickevičiaus str. 29

THIRD SESSION: The Relation of Rhythm with Text, Ritual, Drama
Moderator  Mykolas Natalevičius


10.00 Yelena Dyachkova (P.I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Kiev). The Semantics of Rhythmical Musical Elements in the Operatic and Symphonic Works of P. Tchaikovsky 


10.30 Stephanie Conner (University of York, UK). From Early Words to Late Music: Generating Musical Material from the Rhythms of Anglo-Saxon Poetry


11.00 Gabija Rimkutė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania). Rhythm as a Sacred Means of Expression in Alvidas Remesa’s Piano Works


11.30–12.00 Coffee break


FOURTH SESSION: Ethnical and Historical Aspects of Musical Rhythm
Moderator  Mykolas Natalevičius


12.00 Carlos Almada (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). The Hierarchical and Combinatorial Nature of the Rhythm Structure of Brazilian Choro


12.30 Heidi Chan (York University, Toronto, Canada). Exploring Nadai – The Concept of Beat Subdivision in South Indian (Karnatic) Music

13.00 Final discussion. Closing of the conference





Ali Naggar (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt). Innovative Studies of Rhythmic Concepts for Meter to Improve the Performance for Piano Students


Kalliopi Stiga (College of Kea, Cyclades, Greece). Rhythm and Greekness in the Cities of Mikis Theodorakis


Organised by:

Lithuanian Composers' Union

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre



Marius Baranauskas, Conference coordinator




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