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2007-08-02 -- 2007-08-19


Nida Jazz Marathon will step into the summer jazz stage of "Auksinės kopos" hotel in Nida for the seventh time already, and for the first time into the stage of "Ąžuolynas" holiday house in Juodkrantė. The festival makes Nida famous as jazz loving European resort.


Since 2001 when jazz festivity in Nida has been held for the first time, it has developed from a weekly concert series into international month-long marathon of concerts. Now it is known as a main attraction for the jazz audience on the Lithuanian seaside. However the festival does not aim at gathering of jazz fans only. It aims to be an attractive entertainment to all holidaymakers of diverse needs and tastes.


The fact that the modern jazz can be such charming entertainment as well, is proved by the efforts of Vladimir Chekasin, the legend of Lithuanian jazz, who is an indispensable part of the festival's programme for the fifth year already.


Traditionally the sounds of jazz will spread over Curonian lagoon when musicians and their fans will go in for sailing jam sessions on the festival boat.


More information on the festival:

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