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2007-10-17 -- 2007-10-21



Vilnius, 17–20 October 2007


The Baltic musicological conferences began in 1967, as annual meetings of an independent network for Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian musicological communities. Descending from the Baltic Weeks, held during the interwar period until 1941, these conferences have now evolved into a truly international platform for cultural dialogue and collaboration. Over forty years they have been migrating between Riga, Vilnius and Tallinn, thereby enriching local musicological traditions and reaching wider international acceptance. At the same time they served as a medium and tool of Baltic cultural resistance during the years of political and ideological oppression. In post-Soviet years the Baltic musicological conferences opened up to wider international context as a forum for musicologists specialising in all kinds of inderdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies.


The conference’s programme committee:


Algirdas Ambrazas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Jonas Bruveris (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Gražina Daunoravičienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Lyudmila Kovnatskaya (St Petersburg Conservatory and IMS)
Adam Krims (University of Nottingham)
Helmut Loos (University of Leipzig)
Raymond Monelle (University of Edinburgh)
Eero Tarasti (University of Helsinki)



October 17, Wednesday

(Lithuanian Composers’ House)


9.30 Registration and Conference Opening

Notes of welcome by Tilman Seebaß (President of the International Musicological Society) and Remigijus Merkelys (Chair of the Lithuanian Composers’ Union) 
10.00–11.30  Session I  Global versus Local in Contemporary Music / Chair Tilman Seebaß

Miguel Álvarez-Fernández (University of Oviedo, Spain)
Folklorism and Avant-Garde. Tensions Between the Global and the Local in Spanish Contemporary Music


Marija Masnikosa (University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia)
Postminimalism in Contemporary Serbian Music as a Part of Global Postmodern Culture


Dario Martinelli (University of Helsinki, Finland)
 “Le canzoni della mafia”. Italian Music and Culture, as Represented Outside Italy


11.30-12.00 Coffee break


12.00–13.00 Session II  Displacements / Chair Adam Krims


Marta Szoka (Academy of Music, Łódź, Poland)

Alexander Tansman and a Syndrom of “Wandering Jew”


Danutė Petrauskaitė (University of Klaipėda, Lithuania)
Music Cooperation of Baltic Emigrants in the USA



15.00–16.00 Keynote lecture
Eero Tarasti (Helsinkio universitetas, Suomija / University of Helsinki, Finland)
Utopian and Transcendental Places in Music – Towards Existential Spatiality of Tonal Forms

16.00-16.15 Coffee break


16.15–17.45. Session III  Genius loci and Imaginery Soundscapes in Contemporary Lithuanian Music / Chair Gražina Daunoravičienė


Jūratė Katinaitė (Lithuania)
Musical Portraits of Vilnius


Beata Baublinskienė (Lithuania)
Genius loci and the Newest Lithuanian Chamber Scenic Projects. The Problem of Cultural Identity


Audronė Žiūraitytė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Local and Global in Onutė Narbutaitė’s Work and Its Reception


October 18, Thursday
(Lithuanian Composers’ House)

9.30–11.00  Session IV  Music and Politics I: Resistance and Collaboration under Soviet Regime / Chair Joachim Braun


Olga Digonskaya (D. Shostakovich Archive, Russia)
Shostakovich in the 1930s: Loyalty or Protest?


Živilė Ramoškaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Literature & Folklore, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Songs of the Occupied: Poetics and Politics


Dmitry Braginsky (St Petersburg Conservatory, Russia)
Dmitry Shostakovich, Sport and Politics in the USSR


11.00-11.30 Coffee break


11.30–13.00 Session V Music and Politics II: from Politicized Music to Marketing Policy / Chair Jonas Bruveris


Bogumila Mika (University of Silesia, Cieszyn, Poland)
Narration or Escapism? – Memories of 1968 in Polish Art Music


Naďa Hrčková (Comenius Universität, Bratislava, Slovakei)  
Politik, Musik und Theater in der Oper von Juraj Beneš Das Festmahl (1980)


Ilona Breģe (Latvia)
Creation and Academic Music Market in Latvia



15.00–16.00 Keynote lecture

Adam Krims (Nottingham University, UK)
Music as Design and Cultural Quarters


16.00-16.15 Coffee break


16.15–17.45. Session VI Location as Metaphor and Framework / Chair Dario Martinelli


Emilija Sakadolskienė (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania)
Location as Metaphor in Musical Space


Lina Navickaitė (University of Helsinki, Finland/Lithuania)
The Concept of ‘School’ in the Globalised Culture. Some Observations on the Lithuanian Piano Performance Tradition


Aleksi Malmberg (University of Helsinki, Finland) 
Genius loci of a Concert Place. Music Meets Politics in Helsinki Hall of Culture

October 19, Friday
(Lithuanian Composers’ House)

9.30–10.00 Baltic Musicological Conferences. History and Traditions pristatymas.
Presentation of the collection Baltic Musicological Conferences. History and Traditions by the editors and authors.


10.00–11.00  Session VII  Rethinking National I: Intercultural Relations and Origins of National / Chair Marta Szoka


Tijana Popović Mladjenović (University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia)
Debussy’s Wartime Compositions. The Politically Motivated Thematization of Nationality and the Licence of (Auto)Poetics


Paulo F. de Castro (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
The Paradox of Origins: Reflections on Modernity and Nationalism


11.00-11.30 Coffee break


11.30–13.00 Session VIII Rethinking National II: In Search for Identity / Chair Helmut Loos

Joachim Braun (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
The Latent Language of Art Music in the Former Soviet Baltic Republics


Rūta Gaidamavičiūtė (Litauische Akademie der Musik und Theater, Vilnius, Litauen)
Hauptmerkmale der zweiten Modernwelle in Litauen


Baiba Jaunslaviete (Jāzeps Vītols Musikakademie, Riga, Lettland)
Eigenartige Behandlung der nationalen Motive bei Maija Einfelde im Kontext der lettischen Musik



15.00–16.00 Session IX Location and Personal Idiom / Chair Emilija Sakadolskienė


Mart Humal (Estonian Academy of Music Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia)
An Epitaph from the Silence of Järvenpää


Eva-Maria v. Adam-Schmidmeier (Deutschland)
Eduard Tubin – National-Komponist im Exil


Kalliopi Stiga (University of Athens, Greece)
Mikis Theodorakis: when the Song of a People Becomes The Song of the Earth


16.00-16.15 Coffee break


16.15–17.45 General Discussion


October 20, Saturday


10.00–13.00 Signatories’ House


Hommage à Vytautas Landsbergis: Music, Culture, Politics

Special session dedicated to a distinguished Lithuanian musicologist, current member of the European Parliament and one of the founders and leaders of the Baltic musicological collaboration, prof. Vytautas Landsbergis (b. 1932)



Jonas Bruveris (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
On Sublime. M. K. Čiurlionis


Giedrė Jankevičiūtė (Culture, Philosophy and Arts Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Lithuanian Landscape: Sight and Representation


Donatas Katkus (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Landsbergis Performs Čiurlionis


Vita Gruodytė (Lithuania/France)
Desire for the Better Musicology


Nerijus Šepetys (Vilnius University)
Vytautas Landsbergis, a Historical Figure of the 20th-century Lithuania’s Statehood


Mantas Adomėnas (Vilnius University/ Civil Society Institute)
Moralpolitik: Short Biography of an Idea. Homage to Vytautas Landsbergis




Keynote lecture
Vytautas Landsbergis (European Parliament). On Music


15.00–17.00 Vilnius Picture Gallery
Two Loners of Lithuanian Music… Chamber music by Jonas Nabažas (1907–2002) and Jeronimas Kačinskas (1907–2005). In memoriam Ona Narbutienė (1930–2007)




Introduction by Vytautė Markeliūnienė


Jonas Nabažas, String Quartet No. 1 (1932)
Jeronimas Kačinskas, Four Miniatures (Trio Nr. 2 / Trio No. 2) for flute, clarinet and cello (1958)
Jeronimas Kačinskas, Lithuanian Suite (Trio Nr. 4 / Trio No. 4) for flute, clarinet and bassoon (1983)
Jeronimas Kačinskas, Duo for violin and cello (1990)


Chordos String Quartet: Ieva Sipaitytė (violin), Vytautas Mikeliūnas (violin), Robertas Bliškevičius (viola), Mindaugas Bačkus (cello)
Andrius Radziukynas (flute), Julius Černius (clarinet), Šarūnas Kačionas (bassoon)
LCU inf.  


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