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2008-04-24 -- 2008-04-29


24-29 April

Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius


Organiser: Lithuanian Composers' Union

Partners: Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation, Contemporary Art Centre, Music Center the Netherlands, German Embassy in Vilnius, programme "German Cultural Spring in Lithuania", Netherlands Embassy in Vilnius, International Relations Commission of the Wallonie-Brussels, French-speaking Community in Belgium

Official television of the festival: MTV Baltic

Official radio of the festival: Opus 3

Media sponsors: Lietuvos rytas, 15 min., Entertainment Bank

Official hotel of the festival: Conti



24 April, Thursday, 7 p.m.


Laptop Quartet 20/21 (Lithuania)

Steve Gebhardt, Robert Fries - Legendary Epics, Yarns and Fables (1971)

Robert Smithson - Heap of Language (1966)

Marcel Duchamp - Anemic Cinema (1926)

Christian Frosi - Ricostruzione approssimativa del Manifesto Spazialista (2007)

Viking Eggeling - Symphonie Diagonale (1924)

Skip Arnold - Punch (1992)

Martin Arnold - Pièce Touchée (1989)

Norman McLaren - Synchromy (1971)


Tickets: 20 Lt


25 April, Friday, 7 p.m.


Arne Deforce (cello) and CRFMW (Belgium)
Rytis Mažulis - Schism (2007)

Cédric Dambrain - Pure (2004)

Brian Ferneyhough - Time and Motion Study II (1977)


Nejmano Project (Poland)


Tickets: 20 Lt


26 April, Saturday, 7 p.m.


Keith Rowe (UK)


The Electronic Hammer (the Netherlands)

Henry Vega - Izumi (2007)

Juan Parra Cancino - Lo unico que tengo (All I Have...) (2008)

Cort Lippe - Music for Hi-hat and Computer (1998)

Rodrigo Sigal - Me(n)tal (2005)

Alejandro Castaños - Clip (2005)


Tickets: 30 Lt


27 April, Sunday, 7 p.m.


Vilnius Bassoons (Lithuania)

Egidija Medekšaitė - Phasing (2008)

Gediminas Rimkus-Rimkevičius - Kačiona (2008)

Žibuoklė Martinaitytė - Continuity-Discontinuity (2008)


Diissc Orchestra (Lithuania)

Jonas Jurkūnas - Call Estella (2008)

Antanas Jasenka - Minefield (2008)

Martynas Bialobžeskis - CD in C (D) (2008)

Vytautas V. Jurgutis - Tinohi (2008)

Antanas Kučinskas - Sum (2008)


Tickets: 20 Lt


29 April, Tuesday 7 p.m.


Richard Chartier (USA)


Frank Bretschneider (Germany)


Tickets: 40 Lt



Ticketing Information:


Tickets are available in person at the CONTEMPORARY ART CENTRE ticketing office (Vokiečių 2) from April 17. Opening times: Tue–Sun 12 noon–7.30 pm; ph. +370 5 212 1945. Tickets can be also booked and puchased via the national ticketing system online at, by short service number 19555 (Lt2/min) and in person at the sales offices.




Vytautas V. Jurgutis, Executive Director
ph. +370 5 272 1727, +370 680 29848,
Veronika Janatjeva, Media Relations Representative
ph. +370 612 52121,

© Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre, A. Mickevičiaus 29, 08117 Vilnius, ph: +370 5 272 69 86. E-mail your questions / comments to
All texts, photographs, logos, music and artwork are protected by copyright laws. They are free for promotional use but when referring to the materials please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre (LMIPC).