Classical / Contemporary
Folk / World / Country
  Composers / Artists
Pop / Rock / Urban

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2009-04-21 -- 2009-04-25


21–25 April 2009

Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius



Tuesday 21 April, 7 pm


Pixel (Denmark)

The Drive (2009)


Reactable (Spain)



Wednesday 22 April, 7 pm


Diissc Orchestra (Lithuania)

Zipped and reemixxed (2009)



Thursday 23 April, 7 pm


Thaw (Poland)


We Love STEIM (The Netherlands)

Alex Nowitz – composer, singer, performer

Byungjun Kwon – computer, video



Friday 24 April, 7 pm


Anton Lukoszevieze – cello and live electronics (UK)

Egidija Medekšaitė – Oscillum (2008)

Justė Janulytė – Psalms (2008)

Ričardas Kabelis – CCCC (2008)

Arturas Bumšteinas – Studie Zwei (2009)

Jurgis Mačiūnas – In Memoriam to Adriano Olivetti (1962)

Mathew Adkins – Between lines (2008)


Brevis Choir (Lithuania)

Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Gintautas Venislovas

Ugnė Giedraitytė – Graduale (for dancing voices) (2009)

Laima Jedenkutė – The Beast Is Off to the Desert (2009)

Marius Salynas – Swallowletter (2009)



Saturday 25 April, 7 pm


Kangding Ray (France)

Automne Fold (2008)


Pink Twins (Finland)




Ticketing Information:


Tickets are available in person at the CONTEMPORARY ART CENTRE ticketing office (Vokiečių g. 2) from April 16th. Opening times: Tue–Sun 12 noon–7.30 pm; ph. +370 5 212 19 45.



Organiser: Lithuanian Composers' Union

Partners: Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation, Contemporary Art Centre, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vilnius

Official television of the festival: Lietuvos Ryto televizija

Official radio of the festival: Opus 3

Media sponsors: Entertainment Bank

Official hotel of the festival: Conti

Official carrier of the festial: airBaltic

Sponsor of the festival: Konferenta

© Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre, A. Mickevičiaus 29, 08117 Vilnius, ph: +370 5 272 69 86. E-mail your questions / comments to
All texts, photographs, logos, music and artwork are protected by copyright laws. They are free for promotional use but when referring to the materials please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre (LMIPC).