Classical / Contemporary
Folk / World / Country
  Composers / Artists
Pop / Rock / Urban

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2009-09-10 -- 2009-09-20


Project is presented by:




Public events




Concert cycle „PROGRESAS“


10 September, Thursday, 8 PM

Trade Union House (V. Mykolaičio-Putino g. 5)

„Muzika yra labai svarbi“ (Lithuania)

Interdisciplinary music, words, video and movement manipulations

Performers: Rita Mačiliūnaitė (voice), Rūta Vitkauskaitė (violin, video, voice), Marija Grikevičiūtė (keyboards, percussion, voice), Marija Kalvelytė (keyboards, percussion, voice), Mykolas Natalevičius (voice), Sigitas Mickis (keyboards, voice), Julius Žėkas (poetry, voice, Jew’s harp), Simona Biekšaitė (scene design), Marija Simona Šimulynaitė (movement director)


11 September, Friday, 8 PM

Trade Union House (V. Mykolaičio-Putino g. 5)

Multimedia opera „SKYLĖ“

Composer Rūta Vitkauskaitė, director Marija Simona Šimulynaitė

Performers: Agnė Sabulytė (mezzo-soprano), Rita Mačiliūnaitė (mezzo-soprano, percussion), Jonas Sakalauskas (baritone, electric guitar) and others.


12 September, Saturday, 8 PM

Trade Union House (V. Mykolaičio-Putino g. 5)

„ARCO collective" (UK)

Fluxus performance „Arco Greatest Hits“

Performers: Samuel Rice (double-bass), Adam de la Cour (composer, guitar), Richard Thom (cello), Neil Luck (composer), Matthew Lee Knowles (composer)


13 September, Sunday, 8 PM

VU ITPA Planetarium (Konstitucijos pr. 12a)

 „R&R Electronics“ (Lithuania)

Post-comedy, electro-acoustic, audiovisual, dance and acting project „Mr. Sun“

Performers: Rūta Vitkauskaitė (poetry, video projections, violin and other), Rita Mačiliūnaitė (texts, voice, electronics ant other)


14 September, Monday, 8 PM

VU ITPA Planetarium (Konstitucijos pr. 12a)

„Serbian Sound Youth“ (Serbia)

Serbian young composers’ live electronic and electro-acoustic compositions

Performers: Maja Leković (piano, live electronics), Svetlana Maraš (live electronics), Teodora Stepančić (piano, live electronics)



Concert cycle „elektroPROGRESIJA“


15 September, Tuesday, 8 PM.

Vilnius City Hall (Didžioji g. 31)

Luis Naón, Diego Losa (Franc), Yannis Kyriakides (The Netherlands)

Acoustic and electronic music of PROCESS guest lecturers

Performers: Antanas Taločka (clarinet), Ingrida Rupaitė (violin), Povilas Jacunskas (cello) and others


16 September, Wednesday, 8 PM

Energy Museum (Rinktinės g. 2)

 „LOOS Ensemble“ (The Netherlands)

The Dutch composers’ electro-acoustic music

Performers: Peter van Bergen (saxophone, clarinet), Patricio Wang (electric guitar), Gerard Bouwhuis (bass guitar), Wiek Hijmans (keyboard), Tatjana Koleva (percussion)


20 September, Sunday, 6 PM

Energy Museum (Rinktinės g. 2)


THE PROCESS participants’ electro-acoustic music project

Performers: „LOOS Ensemble“ (The Netherlands), „R&R Electronics“ (Lithuania)


20 September, Sunday, 8 PM

Energy Museum (Rinktinės g. 2)

„Suicide DJs“ (Lietuva)

DJ 2fresh (Lietuva)





Trade Union House (V. Mykolaičio-Putino g. 5)



17 September, Thursday, 6 PM

Opening of the exhibition „In Process“

8 PM

Music Visualization Laboratory participants’ project No. 1

10 PM

Young Cinema. Short film programme


18 September, Friday, 6 PM

The Mountain. Two-part performance of song, movement, rhythm and thought (course head - Valentinas Masalskis)

8 PM

Music Visualization Laboratory participants’ project No. 2

10 PM

Young Cinema. Short film programme

19 September, Saturday, 5 PM

The sketch after Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita (director - Vidas Bareikis)

8 PM

Music Visualization Laboratory participants’ project No. 3

10 PM

Young Cinema. Short film programme



Meetings with the PROCESS guest lecturers


Lithuanian Composers’ Union (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29)

14 September, Monday, 4 PM



Music informatic Patrick Delges

 (Centre de Recherches et de Formation Musicales de Wallonie, Belgium)


15 September, Tuesday, 4 PM

Composer Luis Naón

 (National Conservatory of Music and Dancing in Paris)


16 September, Wednesday, 4 PM

Composer Diego Losa

(France Institut National Audiovisuel, Music Research group)



Trade Union House (V. Mykolaičio-Putino g. 5)


19 September, Saturday, 2 PM

Experimental film maker Pip Chodorov (France)



Public lectures


Contemporary Art Centre (Vokiečių g. 2)



15 September, Tuesday, 6 PM

Artist, composer, and performer

Researcher of the hidden world of electro-magnetic radiation and its parallels with sound

Ray Lee (UK)

Sound and Wonder or the Wild Dance of the Stereocilia


16 September, Wednesday, 6 PM

Composer, sound artist and media theoretician

One of the leaders of electronic music scene

Kim Cascone (USA)

The Grain of the Auditory Field


17 September, Thursday, 6 PM

Producer, curator, film maker and essayist

Guy Marc Hinant (Belgium)

The Emergence of Noise in Occidental Music


18 September, Friday, 6 PM

Kim Cascone (USA)

Laptop Music and Noise Mediated Aesthetics




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All texts, photographs, logos, music and artwork are protected by copyright laws. They are free for promotional use but when referring to the materials please mention the author and source whenever it is known. When not specified, the source is the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre (LMIPC).