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Zoom In 5: Lithuanian Orchestral Music 2005

The fifth Zoom In includes five most exciting orchestral compositions of 2005, five clearly individual creative strategies, relating to and representing the latest trends of the Lithuanian music.


Dramatic minimalism of Bronius Kutavičius, having influenced entire generations of Lithuanian composers, is once again perfectly revealed in his latest symphonic composition Joys of Spring, based on the first part of the epic poem The Seasons by the 18th century Lithuanian literary classic Kristijonas Donelaitis. The representative of the extreme, the anti-narrational, the rejection of most conventional attributes of musical creation, performance and perception in the CD is the composition for the wind orchestra Crown by Šarūnas Nakas. The impressive soundscrapers, requiring a huge physical tension, are perfectly rendered by the Austrian wind orchestra "Windkraft Tirol" (conductor Kasper de Roo).


The CD also represents three very individual shapes of the Lithuanian (neo)romanticism: theatrical, narrative, broadly fluctuating idiom is represented by several parts from a larger work by Algirdas Martinaitis Sefer Zikaron (The Book of Memory), dedicated in memory of the Holocaust victims in Lithuania. Onutė Narbutaitė in the symphonic composition La Barca presents a different narrative: it is abstract, expressive and very textured, full of detail. The flicking trail of rising and disappearing musical imagery here is related to a ship looking in search of a direction in the chaotic ocean of sound. The CD features the recording of the premiere performance at the Musica Viva concert series with the Bavarian Radio Symphonic Orchestra (conductor José  Serbrier). Raminta Šerkšnytė's relationship with the romanticism is expressed not only via her rather traditional orchestral language, but also her love for the contrast, the dramatic tension present in most of her work. The Mountains in the Mist is no exception, this tension here is mostly achieved via impressive dynamic timbral constellations and oppositions.

The CD, revealing the strenght and vitality of the Lithuanian orchestral music, has been released in partnership with the Bavarian Radio Programme 4, Lithuanian National Radio and Television, Windkraft Tirol, Gaida festival and has been supported by the Lithuanian Culture and Sports Support Foundation.


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