1. |
Vaškevičius’ Polka 1'33
2. |
March to accompany bridesmaids 1'22
3. |
I Rode Through the Pine Forest (wedding/matchmaking song) 1'40
4. |
Old-Fashioned Waltz 2'41
5. |
It’s So Delicious to Drink (song with food and drink) 0'43
6. |
Jurgis Stankevičius’ Little Polka 1'20
7. |
An Old Man Had a White Goat (children’s song) 0'55
8. |
Skritskis’ Waltz 2'36
9. |
Žiūkas’ Polka 1'43
10. |
The Wind Blew the Oak Tree (rye-harvesting song) 2'26
11. |
Sextet 1'28
12. |
Old Shepherd With a Cane 1'08
13. |
Belorussian Polkas 3'03
14. |
When We Were Two Brothers (wedding/acquaintance-making song) 1'41
15. |
Petrauskas’ Little Polka 1'45
16. |
Domas Lileikis’ Polka 2'10
17. |
Beneath the Linden, the Green Linden (wedding/acquaintance-making song) 2'03
18. |
Popiera’s Polka 1'19
19. |
The Old Polka 2'01
20. |
The Little Duck Swam (family song) 1'26
21. |
Intitis 2'02
22. |
Oh, Oak, You Green Little Tree (wedding/first wedding night song) 2'24
23. |
Žiūkas’ Waltz 2'08
24. |
High-Pitched Polka 2'06
25. |
Minor Polka 1'43
26. |
The Laughter Polka 2'14
27. |
Drink, Drink, Brothers (wedding/engagement song) 1'18
28. |
The “Dance and Frolic Like Mad” Polka 1'58
29. |
March with Elbow Grease 2'09
30. |
March of the Ramovėnai 4'34 Music: Emerikas Gailevičius; lyrics: Kazys Inčiūra |