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Peter Jenner visits Lithuania [Pop / Rock / Urban]

Peter Jenner

Peter Jenner, secretary general of the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF) on November 18-19 visits Lithuania. Peter Jenner is known as Pink Floyd's first manager, who subsequently managed Syd Barrett's solo career, he has also looked after T.Rex, The Clash, Ian Dury, Disposable Heroes and Billy Bragg - who he manages today.


Peter Jenner on November 19 will meet representers of the Lithuanian music industry. The topic of the meeting - changing role of music management today: international, European and local perspective.


Today the artist's manager is in the centre of the development of the artistic career - he is negotiating with promoters, media, publishers, record companies, digital content aggregators and distributors. How are these relationships changing today in the live and digital music environment? What is the future in the established and well structured Western music industry and what are possible business models for our region? How to develop an international career of the artist, what are the opportunities and threats?


LMIPC inf.

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