1. |
Valse Bleue 2'55
2. |
Capri (tango) 3'06
3. |
That Night in Venice (fox-trot) 2'56
4. |
The Last Sunday (tango) 3'11
5. |
lm "chambre separée" (waltz) 2'47
6. |
Sweet Elly (fox-trot) 3'05
7. |
Why Didn‘t You Come? (fox-trot) 2'55
8. |
La paloma 2'43
9. |
You and only You (English waltz) 3'10 music and lyrics: Leonardas Lechavičius
Daniel Pomerantz Orchestra, soloist Antanas Dvarionas |
10. |
Thousands of Blossoms (fox-trot) 3'10
11. |
Officers‘ Fox-Trot 2'52
12. |
Forwards (polka) 2'46 music: Kajetonas Leipus; lyrics: Vladas Misiūnas
Daniel Pomerantz Orchestra, soloist Antanas Dvarionas |
13. |
The Rome Guitar (tango) 2'52
14. |
Liebestraum nach dem Ball (waltz) 3'11
15. |
Life is beautiful (fox-trot) 2'44
16. |
Regina (tango) 2'21 music and lyrics: Leonardas Lechavičius
Orchestra, soloist Stepas Graužinis |
17. |
Waldeslust (waltz) 3'04
18. |
Heaven's Tiny Star (English waltz) 2'54
19. |
Mitternachts Walzer 3'01
20. |
Lithuanian Maiden (fox-trot) 3'14
21. |
The Sound of Brass (slow fox-trot) 3'06
22. |
The Nights have flown (slow fox-trot) 3'05