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2011-07-09 -- 2011-07-17


July 9th (Saturday)


6.30 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Opening concert

Osvaldas Balakauskas Čiurlionis' Year (festival's commission, premiere)
Gustav Mahler Adagietto from Symphony No. 5
Luigi Boccherini Concerto for cello and orchestra

Klaipėda Chamber Orchestra (soloist and artistic director Mindaugas Bačkus - cello)



July 10th (Sunday)


4 pm. Thomas Mann Museum
Program of the word. Meeting with Uwe Rada (Germany). Moderator Antanas Gailius

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida

M. K. Čiurlionis, Ludwig van Beethoven, Sergei Prokofiev, Carl Vine

Daumantas Kirilauskas (piano)



July 11th (Monday)


5 pm. Museum of the History of Neringa
Opening of the exhibition

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Musical anniversaries. Coevals

Gustav Mahler Cycle of songs
M. K. Čiurlionis Harmonized Lithuanian folk songs
Asta Krikščiūnaitė (soprano), Audronė Kisieliūtė (piano), Daumantas Kirilauskas (piano), chamber choir Aidija



July 12th (Tuesday)


4 pm. Thomas Mann Museum
Program of the word. Meeting with Irena Vaišvilaitė. Moderator Antanas Gailius


8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Premieres of the festival

Anton Bruckner choral works
Chamber choir Aidija and Kaunas String Quartet



July 13th (Wednesday)


6 pm. V. and K. Mizgiriai Artists’ House
Opening of the exhibition of works by Akvilė Zavišaitė

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Lithuanian music hour
Music by Jurgis Karnavičius
Jurgis Karnavičius (piano), Sigutė Stonytė (soprano), Edmundas Kulikauskas (cello), Rusnė Mataitytė (violin), chamber choir Aidija, Kaunas String Quartet

10 pm. Movie nights by the Lighthouse



July 14th (Thursday)


4 pm. Thomas Mann Museum
Program of the word. Meeting with Adam Zagajewsky (Poland). Moderator Ruth Leiserowitz

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Music by Antonin Dvořak and Johannes Brahms
Piano trio Kaskados and Kaunas String Quartet

10 pm. Movie nights by the Lighthouse



July 15th (Friday)


5 pm. Thomas Mann Museum
Program of the word. Meeting with Vytautas Landsbergis

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Chamber music of Austrian composers
Aleksander von Zemlinsky, Franz Schubert, Gustav Mahler
Gernot Winischhofer (violin, Austria), Albina Šikšniūtė (piano), piano trio Kaskados

10 pm. Movie nights by the Lighthouse



July 16th (Saturday)


4 pm. Thomas Mann Museum
Meeting of Thomas Mann's friends with Dieter Schtrauss. Moderator Ruth Leiserowitz

8 pm. Evangelic Lutheran Church in Nida
Closing concert

Anton Bruckner, Johann Sebastian Bach
Chamber choir Aidija, Kaunas String Quartet



July 17th  (Sunday)

6 pm. Nida Art Colony

Video-Dinner - a performance of students of Migrating Art Academies from 10 countries



Festival website

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