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2011-11-23 -- 2011-12-14



Chamber Music Festival


23 November– 14 December 2011

Kaunas, Žiežmariai, Širvintos, Rokiškis






Wednesday 23 November, 6 pm

Aula Magna of the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Gimnazijos g. 7)


BREVIS CONSORT (artistic director Darius Stabinskas):

Darius Stabinskas (soprano viola da gamba), Mateusz Kowalski (tenor viola da gamba), Robertas Bliškevičius (bass viola da gamba), Justyna Rekść-Raubo (bass viola da gamba)

With the participation of ANDRZEJ STRUMłŁŁO (Poland)


"Listening to Miłosz"

An evening of music, poetry and art

To mark the centenary of Czesław Miłlosz


Works by 17th-century Italian, Polish and German composers:

Kaspar Hassler (1562–1618) – Canzona

Adam Jarzębski (c1590–c1648) – Canzona (from the Pelplin Tablatura, 1615)

Diomedes Cato (1560/65–1618/28) – Canzona

Orazio Vecchi (1550–1605) – Fantasia (Selva di varia Ricreatione, Venezia 1590)


Works for the consort of viols by Lithuanian and Polish contemporary composers:

Zygmunt Konieczny (*1937) – Równoległe (Parallels) (2011)

Algirdas Martinaitis (*1950) – Ex libris Czesław Miłosz (2011)

Vytautas Germanavičius (*1969) – Siena verità rossa (2011)

Raminta Šerkšnytė (*1975) – Paskutinės eilės (2011)

Anthony Miłosz / Czesław Miłosz (*1947) – O Aniołach (About Angels) (2011)


The programme also features readings of Czesław Miłlosz's and Mathias Casimir Sarbievius's poetry by the students of the VMU Humanities Department and an exhibition of artworks by Andrzej Strumiłło inspired by Miłlosz's poems.



Wednesday 30 November, 6 pm

Žiežmariai Culture Centre (Vytauto g. 13)





Gediminas Rimkus-Rimkevičius (*1964) – Song cycle Taip ir ne (Yes and No), text by Ramutė Skučaitė (premiere)

Vaida Striaupaitė-Beinarienė (*1977) – Nubudimas (Awakening) for soprano, oboe and piano (premiere)

Nailia Galiamova (*1961) – Fėjų pasakos (Fairy Tales) for voice and piano, text by Konstantin Balmont (premiere)

Frederic Bonzon – En Ardennes, pastoral scene for oboe and piano

Robert Schumann (1810–1856) – Romance for oboe and piano, Op. 3 No. 94

Arnold Schönberg (1874–1951) – Fier Lieder for voice and piano, texts by Richard Dehmel and Johannes Schlaf, Op. 2

Giedrius Svilainis (*1972) – Tūto, taka-to, tūto for voice, violin and piano (premiere)



Saturday 3 December, 6 pm

Aula Magna of the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Gimnazijos g. 7)


VMU Academy of Music Chamber Orchestra AVANTI

RITA NOVIKAITĖ (mezzo-soprano)


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1759–1791) – Divertimento for string orchestra, K 138

Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) – Après un rêve, text by Romain Bussine, Op.7, No.1; Au bord de l’eau, text by René Sully-Prudhomme, Op. 8, No. 1; Le papillon et la fleur, text by Victor Hugo, Op. 1, No.1

Vytautas Barkauskas (*1931) – Avanti for chamber orchestra, Op. 135 (premiere)

Ottorino Respighi (1879–1936) – Contrasto, text by Carlo Zangarini, P. 66; Le nebbie, text by Ada Negri, P.64; Pioggia, text by Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj, P.90, No. 6

Teisutis Makačinas (*1938) – Scherzo concertante for string orchestra (2004)

Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (1823–1894) – "Canción de la Paloma" from the zarzuela El barberillo de Lavapiés

Ruperto Chapí y Lorente (1851–1909) – "Carceleras" from the zarzuela Las Hijas del Zebedeo

Ernesto Lecuona y Casado (1895–1963) – Noche Azul



Wednesday 7 December, 6 pm

Širvintos Culture Centre (I. Šeiniaus g. 4)




Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875–1911) – Dedication, VL 169; 5 Preludes VL 294–297, 305; Pastoral, VL 187

Vytautas Barkauskas (*1931) – First Legend about Čiurlionis (1972); Second Legend about Čiurlionis (1988); Third Legend about Čiurlionis (1993)

Kęstutis Bieliukas (*1957) – Fifteen Bars for Autumn Lark (2007)

Franz Schubert (1797–1828) – 3 impromptus, Op. 90



Wednesday 14 December, 5 pm

Rokiškis regional Museum (Tyzenhauzų al. 5)


DUO STRIMAITIS: Aidas Strimaitis (violin), Eglė Strimaitienė (piano)


Edvard Grieg (1843–1907) – Sonata for violin and piano No. 3

Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875–1911) – Prelude, Op. 3 No. 1 (arr. for violin and piano by Eglė Strimaitienė); fragments from the Sonata for violin and piano (from the manuscript discovered in 2006)

Giedrė Pauliukevičiūtė-Dabulskienė (*1975) – Pasaulio sutvėrimas (The Creation of the world) for violin and piano after cycle of paintings by  M.K.Čiurlionis

Zigmas Virkšas (1946–2001) – Į kylančią paukštę (To a Rising Bird) muzika smuikui ir fortepijonui

Giedrius Kuprevičius (*1944) – Prelude in memory of M.K.Čiurlionis



* Please note: All events of the festival are free of charge.



Organised by:

PI Domus Artis

Lithuanian Composers' Union


In association with:

PI Banchetto musicale

Fundacja F.O.R.T.E. (Poland)


Sponsored by:

Lithuanian Culture Support Foundation

Vytautas Magnus University

Kaišiadorys Municipality

Adam Mickiewicz Institute (Poland)

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