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2008-04-23 -- 2008-04-25


Principles of Music Composing. Musical Archetypes



April 23

Composers’ House, A. Mickevičiaus 29


10.00 Opening

10.15 First session


Conceptions and Definitions of Archetype (Outlooks, Sources and Development)


Pavel Puscas (Academy of Music, Cluj, Romania)

Symbolic Connotations of the Tonalities - are these Archetypes?


Mart Humal (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre)

The Voice-leading Matrix as an Archetype of Tonal Counterpoint



12.00-12.30 Break



Igor Vorobyov (St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia)

The Avant-garde as a Prototype of Totalitarian Art. Sketches towards the History of the Musical and Non-Musical Avant-garde


Mantautas Krukauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Musical Archetype as a Core of Concentrated Information




April 24

Composers’ House, A. Mickevičiaus 29


10.00 Second session


Archetypes and a national identity of music. Ethnomusical archetypes


Pavel Puscas (Academy of Music, Cluj, Romania)

Archetype, Anarchetype and Eschatype in the Dynamics of Musical Style


Daiva Vyčinienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

The Archetypical Structure of Lithuanian Folklore Rhythms:  From Sutartinės to Feasting Songs



11.30-12.00 Break



Kalliopi Stiga (University of Athens, Greece)

Musical Archetypes and the ‘Greek Musical Character’ Through the Time


Rimantas Astrauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Archetypes in Lithuanian Traditional Music: Intoning Aspect




M. K. Čiurlionis’ House, Savičiaus 11


Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

The Insight into the Archaic-Binary Archetype of M. K. Čiurlionis‘ Unrecognized Cycle


M. K. Čiurlionis. Unrecognized cycle (first performance)

Halina Radvilaitė (piano)




April 25

Composers’ House, A. Mickevičiaus 29


10.00 Third session


Manifestation of archetypes in composing practice of contemporary music (20th–21st.c.)


Margarita Katunyan (Moscow conservatory, Russia)

Structural Archetypes in Composition: Monteverdi, Mozart, Martynov


Gražina Daunoravičienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

The Verbal Text as a Compositional Prototype and Inspiration: “Cum essem parvulus” by O. di Lasso and R. Mažulis


Elvio Cipollone (University of Strasbourg, France)

The Sound of Silence



11.30-12.00 Break



Ewa Kowalska-Zajac (Academy of Music, Łódź, Poland)

The 20th Century Polish Composers Towards the String Quartet Archetype


Gaël Tissot (University of Toulouse, France)

François Bayle's Music : Archetypes and Visual Thinking



13.30 Discussions






Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Common Means of Composition in Archaic and Antique Music


Liduino Pitombeira (Paraíba Federal University, Brazil), Luciana Gifoni (Independent Researcher, Brazil)

Compositional Archetypes, National Identity and Geometric Symbolisms


Panayiotis Demopoulos (Greece) 

Anonymity as a True Avant-garde Archetype


Bogumila Mika (University of Silesia, Poland)

Bogurodzica – as an Archetype for Polish Art Music of the 20th Century


Kostas Chardas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Old Ideas in New Contexts: the Presence and Reinterpretation of Archetypes in 20th Century European Music


Linas Balčiūnas (Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium, Lithuania)

Relations Between Archetipes and Stereotipes in the Field of Music Composition Practice

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