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2009-04-20 -- 2009-04-24


Principles of Music Composing. Orchestra as a Phenomenon






April 20

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29


Seminar I

10.00 – 13.00 


Prof. Ertugrul Sevsay (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria)



- Technical basics of instrumentation and orchestration

- Differences between instrumentation and orchestration

- Influence of the Viennese Classics on the other orchestration schools and styles

- Importance of sustained sound in orchestration

- Tutti (types, orchestration techniques, challenges)

- Dynamic balances in the orchestra



April 21

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29


Seminar II

10.00 – 13.00  


Prof. Ertugrul Sevsay (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria)



- How to write multiple stops for the string instruments

- Problems in scoring for wind instruments

- Analysis of the 1st. movement of Mozart’s Symphony No.41 in C Major (Jupiter)







April 22

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29


9.40 Registration of participants

10.00 Opening

10.15 First session: “Orchestral conceptions. Historical signs in the evolution of orchestra”


Pavel Puscas (Academy of Music, Cluj, Romania)  

Defining Orchestra in the 2nd half of XX Century [the case of Chamber Symphony]


Svein Hundsnes (University of Stavanger, Norway)

Tchaikovsky’s Orchestral Style


Igor Vorobyev (St. Petersburg Conservatory, Russia)

The Symphonic Anti-utopia as a Conscious Necessity (A Few Traits of the Soviet Symphonic Style of the 1920s and Early 1930s, on the Example of Gavriil Popov’s First Symphony)


12.00-12.30 Break


Anton Rovner (Moscow conservatory, Russia)

The Orchestral Musical Style of Alexander Scriabin as Demonstrated by his Unfinished ‘Prefatory Action’


Violeta Tumasonienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

 The Importance of an Orchestra in Modern Lithuanian Religious Music on Biblical Motifs


*  *  *


15.30 Round table discussion

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29




April 23

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29


10.00 Second session: “Orchestra as a cultural tradition. Timbre possibilities of orchestra“


Ertugrul Sevsay (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria)

The Factors Defining the Orchestral Color


Mantautas Krukauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Electronic instruments and computer technologies in contemporary orchestra


Marius Baranauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Principles of Structural Organisation of Gamelan Orchestra as an Alternative to Orchestra in European Culture


11.30-12.00 Break


Kalliopi Stiga & Georges Karagiannis (University of Athens, Greece)  

Eastern and Western Music meeting the Greek orchestra under the sound of ‘bouzouki’


Csilla Petho-Vernet (Paris IV-Sorbonne University, France)

Constancy and variability within 19th century Hungarian Gypsy orchestras: instruments, sounds and timbres


*  *  *



M.K.Čiurlionis’ House, Savičiaus 11


Darius Kučinskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)

Čiurlionis’s orchestra


Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

M.K.Čiurlionis' Unrecognized Cycle. Sonata-form – Symphonic Potentials of the Cycle


M.K.Čiurlionis Unrecognized cycle (first performance)

Halina Radvilaitė (piano)




April 24

Composers’ Union House, Mickevičiaus 29


10.00 Third session: “Principles of orchestral thinking in contemporary music“


Svetlana Barkauskas (Lithuania)

Interaction of Orchestral Groups in Vytautas Barkauskas‘ Symphonic Music


Elvio Cipolone (University of Strasbourg, France)

Orchestrating nature


Linas Balčiūnas (Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium, Lithuania)

Orchestral works of Lithuanian composers in 21st c.


11.30-12.00 Break


Gaël Navard (Nice Sophia Antipolis University, France) 

Composing Open Forms for Orchestra : An Analysis of Morton Feldman’s Intersection #1 and Henri Pousseur’s Les fouilles de Jeruzona


Antanas Kučinskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

New Technology Orchestras: Between Innovations and Simulations


13.00 Discussions. Closing of the conference


*  *  *




Rimantas Janeliauskas (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre)

Compositional (harmonic, rhythmic, orchestral) Aspects of Osvaldas Balakauskas' Symphony No.2


Olga Sakhapova (Nizhnij Novgorod Conservatory, Russia)

Sounding space in Debussy’s Orchestra


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