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A vision of “Own Bayreuth” in the new CD by Arturas Bumšteinas [Classical / Contemporary]

Last May at the Amsterdam’s finest contemporary art fair Kunstvlaai, Dutch gallery Hotel Maria Kapel has presented a project by Arturas Bumšteinas called “My Own Private Bayreuth”. It has been recently released as an audio CD by the same institution.


This project has been initiated just after its author has approached the annual Wagner's Bayreuth Festival in order to purchase ticket to one of their scheduled operas. Instead he was put in a 9-year-long waiting queue (the official letter from Bayreuther Festspiele can be found inside the booklet). Such a manifestation of cultural super-elitism has become an inspiration for this project.


The sound material for this CD has been collected during open rehearsal sessions which took place inside the temporary sound studio located in the premises of the art fair. This studio was used to hold meetings with local Dutch musicians and to record their interpretations of various fragments of Richard Wagner’s scores.


Currently Arturas Bumšteinas is preparing live concert version of this project.


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