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The Second CD of Feliksas Bajoras' Music in the Naxos Catalogues [Classical / Contemporary]

In the beginning of 2009, Naxos released the second CD of Feliksas Bajoras, with his symphonic works. The CD has been recorded by the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra under Gintaras Rinkevičius, and the violinist Rusnė Mataitytė. (The first Bajoras' CD on Naxos catalogues, Music for Strings, was released in 2007.)


A retrospective release includes Bajoras' Symphony-Diptych (1984), which includes the musical themes from his legendary opera Lamb of God; Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1998) – one of the most sophisticated examples of this genre in Lithuanian music; and Exodus I for symphony orchestra (1994), which was written in memory of the composer's mother but, in Bajoras' words, "is also dedicated to everyone of us, travellers on the eternal journey".


The CD has been released in collaboration with the Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre, with support from the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture.


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