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Rytis Mažulis’ Fourth CD Released by Megadisc Classics [Classical / Contemporary]

Megadisc Classics, a Belgian record label, has released the fourth compact disc by Rytis Mažulis, this time dedicated exclusively to flute music. The album, recorded by an Italian virtuoso, Manuel Zurria, comprises six pieces: Puja for six flutes (2004), Musica falsa for eight flutes (2006), Ex una voce tres for three flutes (2002), Schisma for fourteen flutes (2007), Belvedere for thirteen flutes (2010), and Tranquility for four flutes (1992).


The title of the disk, after one of the recorded compositions, means “false music” in Latin and associates to the term of the medieval music theory to describe chromaticisms. According to the composer, he often departs away from the 12-tone system using values smaller than semitones. On the other hand, this term fits to describe most of the pieces in this CD as their original versions differ considerably from the interpretations by Zurria. His playing is a sheer miracle, Mažulis admits. “Zurria does the seemingly impossible by achieving a perfect precision in attacks and creating a strikingly vivid sound texture as well as an impression of a smooth and relentless motion.”


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