Bajoras, Martinaitis, Šenderovas, J. Juozapaitis, Narvilaitė, Bartulis, B. Kutavičius
Kaskados. Music for Piano Trio
Record company: Music Information Centre Lithuania
Year of publication: 2009
Media: CD
Duration: 74'02
Price: 7.50 € / 25.90 Lt
Rusnė Mataitytė (violin)
Edmundas Kulikauskas (cello)
Albina Šikšniūtė (piano)
LMIPC CD 056 Publisher contacts
A. Mickevičiaus 29, 08117 Vilnius, Lithuania
1. |
Feliksas Bajoras. Momenti Sacri (2001) 11'21 1st, 2nd, 4th movements |
2. |
Algirdas Martinaitis. Emmaus (2006) 10'34
3. |
Anatolijus Šenderovas. Song and Dance (2008) 10'32
4. |
Jurgis Juozapaitis. Moonlight (1999) 7'18
5. |
Loreta Narvilaitė. When the Footbridge Is Gone I Will Cross the River (2003) 9'54
6. |
Vidmantas Bartulis. Express No.3, or Glinka and Nemirovich-Danchenko on a train trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow (2008) 9'54
7. |
Bronius Kutavičius. Stasys' Eight Miniatures (2002). The Yellow Beads 1'36
8. |
Sorrow 1'19
9. |
Scream 1'31
10. |
Clown 1'52
11. |
Triange 1'29
12. |
The Bird Behind The Pane 1'52
13. |
The Cardboard Man 1'28
14. |
The Eternal Peace 2'40
