A cultural exchange project entitled Musical Links, Sweden-Lithuania 2002-2003, which began in February 2002 with a visit by two Lithuanian composers to Studio Alpha at the Visby International Centre for Composers, will end this November with the "Sounds of Sweden" festival at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic in Vilnius. This project, executed by the Swedish Concert Institute (Rikskonserter) and the Lithuanian National Philharmonic, connects a great many cultural, music, and education institutions in both countries.
At the beginning of this February, another two composers – Antanas Kučinskas and Zita Bružaitė – once again were given the opportunity to work for an entire month at the Visby International Centre for Composers. The premiere of Antanas Kučinskas' Arabesque, commissioned by Rikskonserter and composed at the Studio Alpha, will be performed by Swedish saxophonist Jörgen Pettersson and the Gotland Wind Quintet at the "Jauna muzika" festival in Vilnius. The other Rikskonserter commission for this year fell to Šarūnas Nakas; KammarensembleN from Stockholm will premiere his new work at the "Gaida" festival in October. Swedish recording company Caprice Records is soon to release two SACDs of works by Šarūnas Nakas and Vytautas V. Jurgutis.
Best Lithuanian musicians - the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra under Robertas Šervenikas, Chordos String Quartet, Katilius Violin Quartet, and St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra under Donatas Katkus - will be presenting works by Lithuanian composers in Sweden from April to the beginning of July. The Chordos String Quartet has collaborated with the Ars Nova String Quartet from Malmö, and trumpeter Mattias Gunnarsson, to prepare a unique program of new Lithuanian and Swedish music.
Lithuanian Music Link No. 6