Composer / Work Title / Text / Instrumentation |
Date |
Dur. |
Samples |
Request |
Vaclovas Augustinas Michał Kleofas Ogiński's Behests to His Son Text: Michał Kleofas Ogiński (English translation by Kęstutis Urbaitis), Lithuanian folk satb-bell |
2014 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Du dob dob (Those Promises by the Lad...) Text: Lithuanian folk satb-2perc |
2013 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Stand Up, Gentlemen Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
2013 |
Vaclovas Augustinas 3 Lithuanian Folk Songs Text: Lithuanian folk 4ssaa-pf-2perc |
2013 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Jerusalem, surge Text: Liturgical satb |
2012 |
4 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Prayer for My Country Text: Psalms of David, St. Augustine, American prayer, Lithuanian anonym, Ksaveras Sakalauskas-Vanagėlis 2S-2[satb]-2222-4331-3perc-pn-kn-str |
2012 |
20 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Ship of Memory fl-tp-tb-perc-pf-vn-db |
2011 |
10'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas put such a madness away far from me, O, Lord Text: St. Augustine satb |
2011 |
8 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Nightfall... (Where to Pass the Night?) Text: Lithuanian folk 3satb |
2011 |
4'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Calm and Quiet Text: Lithuanian folk 2satb |
2010 |
5 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Journey of the Magi Text: Thomas Stearns Eliot 2S-Mez-Bar-satb |
2010 |
9'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Absiste vulgus Text: Q. F. Horatius, M. C. Sarbievius 3satb-perc |
2008 |
Vaclovas Augustinas The Spirit of Peace Text: Bernardas Brazdžionis satb |
2008 |
3'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Iam te solum amo Text: St. Augustine satb |
2006 |
14'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas On the Other Side of River Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
2006 |
4 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Song of Songs Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
2006 |
2 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Lux aeterna Text: Liturgical satb |
2004 |
9 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Even Darkness Is Not Dark For You Text: from the Old Testament, translated by Sigitas Geda 2(satb) |
2000 |
5 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Light Coming from the Town of Gediminas Text: Vladas Braziūnas satb |
1999 |
3 |
Vaclovas Augustinas The Many-Faced Sun of Vilnius Text: Vladas Braziūnas satb-pf |
1999 |
2'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Light Text: Vladas Braziūnas satb-pf |
1999 |
3 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Our Homeland (Pater noster) Text: Vladas Braziūnas satb |
1999 |
3'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Hundred-Branch Oak-Tree Text: Vladas Braziūnas satb-pf |
1998 |
3 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Christmas Flowers Text: Vytė Nemunėlis (Bernardas Brazdžionis) sa-pf |
1997 |
2'20 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Gloria Text: Liturgical S-satb-org |
1996 |
30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Hymne à Saint Martin Text: Liturgical 2(satb) |
1996 |
5 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Run, White Little Wagtail Text: Vladas Braziūnas S-T-satb-pf(synth) |
1996 |
3 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Cantate Domino canticum novum Text: Liturgical 2[satb]-org |
1996 |
5'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Cantate Domino canticum novum Text: Liturgical 2[satb] |
1996 |
5'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Rambynas Text: Vydūnas, K. Krištopaitis satb-pf |
1992 |
2'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Rambynas Text: Vydūnas, K. Krištopaitis sa-pf |
1992 |
2'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Oh, You Oak-Tree Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
1992 |
3 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Swing and Throw Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
1991 |
4 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Stomping Bride Text: Lithuanian folk satb-rec-skd-perc |
1991 |
5 |
Vaclovas Augustinas And Why? Text: Sigitas Geda sa-pf |
1990 |
1 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Gloria Text: Liturgical S-satb-2222-4331-4perc-hrp-str |
1990 |
30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas What Scared the Little Froggy? Text: Sigitas Geda sa-pf |
1990 |
1 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Gloria Text: Liturgical S-satb-2pf-perc |
1990 |
30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas My Vytis and Tricolor Text: Vytė Nemunėlis (Bernardas Brazdžionis) sa-pf |
1989 |
1 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Why Are You Droning, Little Grooves? Text: Vytė Nemunėlis (Bernardas Brazdžionis) ttbb-pf |
1989 |
2 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Why Are You Droning, Little Grooves? Text: Vytė Nemunėlis (Bernardas Brazdžionis) sa-pf |
1989 |
2 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Why Are You Droning, Little Grooves? Text: Vytė Nemunėlis (Bernardas Brazdžionis) satb-2tp-3tb-perc-bass gui-pf-keyb-str orch |
1989 |
2 |
Vaclovas Augustinas The Scenery in Sorrow Text: Sigitas Geda sa-pf |
1988 |
1'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Hello, Vilnius Text: Antanas Jonynas sa-pf |
1988 |
2'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Guests Text: Sigitas Geda sa-pf |
1988 |
1 |
Vaclovas Augustinas I Am Little Hedgehog Text: Lithuanian folk sa-2vn |
1988 |
2 |
Vaclovas Augustinas RAmoGAtet fl-sitar-tabla-2tp-2tb |
1988 |
15 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Sonata pf |
1987 |
8 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Braveheart Text: Zita Gaižauskaitė sa-pf |
1986 |
1'20 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Scholastic Quartet 2vn-va-vc |
1986 |
11 |
Vaclovas Augustinas You Little Sharp-Nailed Hawk Text: Lithuanian folk ssaa |
1986 |
4'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas The Moon Text: Ramutė Skučaitė sa-pf |
1986 |
1'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Ask a Child for Advice Text: Eugenijus Ališanka satb |
1985 |
15 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Kis kis kisielius Text: Lithuanian folk sa-2vn |
1985 |
1'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Tili tili dūda Text: Lithuanian folk S-A-sa-2rec-2vn |
1985 |
1'30 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Swing and Throw Text: Lithuanian folk ssaa |
1984 |
4 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Wind Was Blowing Text: Lithuanian folk ttbb |
1981 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Lithuania Text: Justinas Marcinkevičius satb-pf |
Vaclovas Augustinas Ship of Memory elec gui-bass gui-2synth-perc-2vn-va-vc |
20 |
Vaclovas Augustinas Dedication satb |
4 |
Vaclovas Augustinas You Are the Greenest Wound Text: Almis Grybauskas satb |
9 |