1. |
Suite of Stories. Prelude (1968) 1'12
2. |
Suite of Stories. Animals and People 0'47 Mole |
3. |
Suite of Stories. Animals and People 1'04 Crawfish |
4. |
Suite of Stories. Animals and People 1'17 Sky-Lark and Swallow |
5. |
Suite of Stories. Trees and People 1'33 Why Do Trees Not Speak |
6. |
Suite of Stories. Trees and People 3'02 The Blind Ash |
7. |
Suite of Stories. Trees and People 2'21 Oh, Oak - Tree |
8. |
Suite of Stories. Devils and People 0'59 Devil's Tricks |
9. |
Suite of Stories. Devils and People 1'23 Fearless Shoemaker |
10. |
Suite of Stories. Devils and People 0'58 Devils Need Maids |
11. |
Suite of Stories. Postlude 1'15 Gintarė Skerytė (soprano)
Arūnas Šlaustas (piano) |
12. |
Three Sonnets. I (1993 - 94) 2'03
13. |
Three Sonnets. II 1'07
14. |
Three Sonnets. III 1'43 Gintarė Skerytė (soprano)
Arnoldas Gurinavičius (double bass) |
15. |
Words and Magic (1995) 9 Gintarė Skerytė (soprano)
Skirmantas Sasnauskas (trombone) |
16. |
Missa in musica. Kyrie. Gloria (1992-93) 4'57
17. |
Missa in musica. Credo 4'34
18. |
Missa in musica. Offertorium 7'40
19. |
Missa in musica. Sanctus 2'46
20. |
Missa in musica. Consecratio I 3'34
21. |
Missa in musica. Consecratio II 2'42
22. |
Missa in musica. Pater Noster 7'06
23. |
Missa in musica. Pax Domini 3'54
24. |
Missa in musica. Agnus Dei 4'02 Gintarė Skerytė (soprano)
Skirmantas Sasnauskas (trombone/ 16,18, 19-22)
Vytautas Pilibavičius (trombone/ 16,17,18,23-24)
Arnoldas Gurinavičius (double bass)
Arūnas Šlaustas (piano) |