Bluegrass Folk Music Band JONIS (Šiauliai, Lithuania)
• PRANCIŠKUS TRIJONIS - 12-string guitar, kazu, vocal
• ROMUALDAS TRIJONIS - still guitar, mandolin, vocal
• EDMUNDAS GRUBLIAUSKIS - accordion, harmonica, harp, vocal
• ARVYDAS ŽIAUBERIS - contrabass
• ALGIRDAS ŠIUIPYS – drums, percussion, vocal
Four brothers of Trijonis' family with several like-minded people started playing their own Lithuanian country music in 1984. Three years later they released their first album and their songs quickly reached high popularity. The band was extensively touring throughout the country, and it would be hard to find a town or a village not visited by Jonis. 17 audio and 2 video albums were released during their history, the band participated in various folk and country music festivals in Lithuania and abroad, visited USA, Germany, Finland. In 1994 the musicians established the first and yet the only in Lithuania country music club „Juonė pastuogė“ in Šiauliai, where live music may be heard every evening. Currently the band consists of 6 musicians, they perform their own songs and instrumental compositions, arranged folk songs, as well as international bluegrass repertoire.