Petras Biržys (1896-1970), a musician, singer, literary artist, amateur actor and storyteller, also known as Pupų Dėdė (Uncle Bean), was an exceptionally enthusiastic and artistic personality. He would give concerts throughout Lithuania earning high esteem before long. In 1928-1937, Biržys recorded 26 LPs featuring his playing, singing and storytelling (in Riga, New York, Berlin and London). In 1929, he spent half-a-year in the USA, where he performed in Lithuanian communities together with Antanas Vanagaitis and Juozas Olšauskas. After returning to Lithuania, since 1930 he has organised regular radio programmes. Uncle Bean’s aphorisms, couplets and adages, mocking the vices of state officials and local loungers and their way of life, have been popular to this day. When the Soviets came, he was the first to sing: “Vilnius belongs to us, and we belong to Russians.” During the years of Nazi occupation, Biržys was jailed because his caustic comments pleased neither government. After the war, in Soviet period, Biržys lived in Vilnius, revived his radio programmes, acted in movies, and toured Lithuania giving concerts.
Rūta Skudienė