Composer / Work Title / Text / Instrumentation |
Date |
Dur. |
Samples |
Request |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Kristijonas' Behests to Lithuanians Text: Kristijonas Donelaitis satb |
2014 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Lux aeterna Text: Antanas Jasmantas (Maceina) S-B-reciter-satb-vn solo-tp solo-2222-2221-perc-hrp-pf-str |
2011 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Power and Tears Text: Liturgical satb-crl-wind orch |
2010 |
60 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Songs for the Uncontemned Death Text: Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė, adaptation of text for the drama play by Aušra Marija Sluckaitė S solo-satb |
2010 |
17 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius David's Seven Questions and Lament Text: from the Old Testament satb-4[SATB]-vn solo |
2002 |
45 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Concordia Way Text: Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas, and a Latin maxim 2satb-tp-str[] |
1996 |
32 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Missa superbrevis Text: Liturgical satb |
1995 |
4 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Psalm 125, A Song of Ascents Text: from the Old Testament satb-2vn-va-vc |
1995 |
14 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Missa catacumbae Text: Liturgical satb-tp-tb-vib-vn-vc |
1994 |
30 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Reply to the Antecedents Text: Lithuanian folk satb-2222-4331-3perc-hrp-elec pf-synth-str[] |
1987 |
26 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Lithuanian Songs Text: Antanas Strazdas satb |
1981 |
32 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Singings satb |
1972 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Triptych for Mixed Choir Text: Mykolas Karčiauskas satb |
1970 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Sonnets of the Seasons Text: Vytautas Mačernis S-sa-reciter |
1970 |
15 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Pagan Hymns Text: Judita Vaičiūnaitė, Mykolas Karčiauskas, lithuanian folk satb-2222-4331-2perc-hrp- pf-str[] |
1969 |
20 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius On the Hill Text: Lithuanian folk satb |
3'30 |