Composer / Work Title / Text / Instrumentation |
Date |
Dur. |
Samples |
Request |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Songs from Nowhere Text: Marina Cvetayeva, translated by Ramutė Skučaitė Mez-pf |
2013 |
14 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius The Goat Stood on the Bridge Text: Lithuanian folk voice-2vn-va-vc |
2013 |
3 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Pio Text: Erika Grigaitytė Mez-pf |
2012 |
1'15 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Pieśń Muzy z dźwiękami trąb i dzwonów Text: Joachim Pastorius S-2crl-4tp |
2011 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius The Overnight Homeland Songs Text: Jonas Kossu-Aleksandravičius, Justinas Marcinkevičius, Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas, Gintaras Patackas, Lithuanian folk T-2vn-va-vc |
2010 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius To Breathe Text: Algimantas Mikuta T-pf |
2007 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Echo: quasi Lit(u)ania Text: Petrus Strzelec S-fl-pf |
2007 |
20 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Goetheliederbuch Text: Wolfgang Goethe S-pf |
2005 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Melancholics Songs Text: John Gracen Brown Bar-2222-4331-3perc-hrp-str[] |
2004 |
34 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Songs for Myself Text: Henrikas Radauskas S-pf |
2004 |
35 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Bilingual Songs Text: Konstantin Balmont, Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Andrei Bely, Aleksandr Blok, Valery Briusov S-T-pf |
2002 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Songs of an Eternal Traveler Text: Rabindranath Tagore T-sitar-tabla-2222-4331-3perc-hrp-str[] |
1998 |
35 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Eight Metaphysical Romances Text: Leonardas Andriekus, Antanas Maceina, Jonas Juškaitis, Antanas Miškinis, Henrikas Radauskas, Almis Grybauskas S-2222-4331-3perc-hrp-str[] |
1990 |
26 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Land L/ithuania voice-gui-bass gui-synth-pf-perc |
1985 |
45 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Elegia pacis Text: from an encyclical by Pope John XXIII S-Mez-T-B-2synth |
1984 |
45 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Eight Metaphysical Romances Text: Antanas Maceina, Henrikas Radauskas, and others S-pf |
1982 |
14 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Processes / Light voice-gui-bass gui-synth-pf-perc |
1981 |
42 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Algorithms for a Hymn Text: Algimantas Mikuta S-Bar-elec pf-synth-perc |
1978 |
38 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius To Breathe Text: Algimantas Mikuta Bar-pf |
1975 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Three Songs plus One Text: Justinas Marcinkevičius, Algis Grigaravičius S-pf |
1974 |
7 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius We Argonauts Text: Eduardas Mieželaitis S-T-Bar-pf |
1973 |
42 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Every Days Songs Text: Juozas Macevičius Bar-pf |
1973 |
22 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius To Keep One's Ears Open Text: Vytautas Onaitis voice-fl |
1972 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Stairs Text: Vytautas Onaitis Bar-pf-2vn-va-vc-db |
1969 |
15 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Songs of Emigrants Text: Faustas Kirša, Kazys Bradūnas, Jonas Mekas S-pf |
1969 |
15 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Vision Text: Justinas Marcinkevičius S-pf |
1967 |
4 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Trees Text: Federico García Lorca, translated by Algimantas Mikuta T-fl-ob-cl-bn |
1966 |
12 |
Giedrius Kuprevičius Ratas 7voices |
Giedrius Kuprevičius With the Voice of Maironis Text: Maironis B-2vn-va-vc |
9 |